Do you ever have one of those moments when you just know that any second someone is going to come out and tell you that it’s all been a cruel joke and you were really on Candid Camera? Well, that is the direction my day has taken, which is why I am now sitting in front of the computer sharing it with you. I am afraid to do anything else for fear of how it might turn out! Kidding! Anyway…
The day began just like any other day. After my husband and daughter had left for work and school respectively, I began the process of cleaning up after breakfast. That’s when it happened. I went to the pantry to put something away. First, I smelled it. Then, I saw it. Something had leaked, exploded, thrown up?!? Who knows? Regardless, it had made a giant mess! But that was only the beginning of my Candid Camera moment.
So I began the process of cleaning the stuff up, but then I saw there was a mess inside of a mess. Molasses had leaked also and had formed a hard bondo-type formation underneath a box of spaghetti.
How does molasses leak you might wonder? Well, if you turn it upside down in hopes of getting that last little bit to run to the top and leave it that way….not only will it come to the top, it will leak out under your box of spaghetti. Of course, said spaghetti is in the way of the exploding can of mandarin oranges, so you try to remove it in order to clean up both messes. However, you discover that molasses makes great cement. The box will not budge. You apply as much pressure as you can muster to the box of spaghetti which eventually gives way leaving behind only a small portion of the cardboard box in the cement molasses. But wait! The end of the box of spaghetti is not secured and spaghetti noodles go flying everywhere. And just to make sure your life is complete, as you step down off the step stool on which you have been standing, you do so right in the middle of a pile of noodles which break into many pieces under your feet thus adding to your already huge mess!
Alright…I give up. Where is the camera? I know it’s here. It must be behind the can that blew up because this just can’t be happening on its own.
All I can say is this, scenarios just like this one are the very reason why we need to begin each day with God! Thankfully, I had done so this morning. Otherwise, I may have just gotten in my car spaghetti-filled slippers and all and driven off for parts unknown!