We had a rare March snow yesterday here in North Carolina. Actually, snow is rare in North Carolina most of the time, but our last March snow was in 1980. I actually remember that one. My brother and I were out in the yard with Merita bread bags tied on our feet. Did anyone else ever do that? We built the first and only snowman we ever had the opportunity to build growing up. I wish I could find the photo, but in lieu of that, here is one of another young girl building her first real snowman.
And here we have the finished work of art. Not too shabby I would say.
Another photo from our beautiful winter wonderland. We sat and watched as he caught snowflakes in his beak as they fell from the sky. It was quite fascinating.
This is actually from the snow we had back in January, but it is just too precious not to share.
What a gift this day turned out to be. Thank You, God, for the wonder and beauty that is Your creation and for the unexpected treat it was to spend this day with my family.
Snowy blessings,
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